Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Day. Dare to Leap

I leaped father than ever this year.  I've always been a homebody. I love having a routine, a group of friends, a boyfriend (although I'm rather picky), and a plan. And then I took a job that put a huge distance between me and all of these things. You may be asking why I took the job, and to be honest-- I don't exactly know. Sure it is an amazing company that treats its employees right and lives up to its mission, vision and values, and while these things keep me coming to work everyday, I can't say it is why I took the job. Deep down I'm starting to see I wanted to challenge myself, to go out and find myself, and to be able to look back and say I did that. "Go find yourself." What a cliche.  Except when you do it. What a revelation.

 I travel for work. A lot. I don't just go out during the week and come home on the weekends, I relocate every 3-6 months. I claim my original homes to be Arizona & Michigan, but can now add Worcester, MA, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, the Virgin Islands, and soon to be Atlanta, GA to my gypsy life.  Have I mentioned I'm only 22 years old?

So what does this have to do with Oscar Wilde's quote? Being myself is something I have grown into. I cannot pinpoint the day, month, or year that I started knowing myself, but it happened. Thank God. It's fun to go with the crowd, to be part of something that's bigger than you.  But I've come to realize it's more fun to be you.  Sometimes, you are all you have in the world. Sometimes, you have to go solo. But you are only ever truly alone when you are trying to be someone else. How do you know when you're being true to you? I can only give you one piece of advice.....Let your head hear your heart. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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