Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I can't tell you where the obsession came from, but I am obsessed with Tree Houses.  Something about being closer to the stars, suspended in the fresh air, a miniscule feeling of floating....
These feelings might be hiding quietly within my childhood soul, buzzing whenever I spy a house up high.


 If true tree houses could not be so, I dig this modern day feel.
 But can you imagine living here.... a bubble in the sky, oh my.
 Or a quite spot above a creek.
 Needs no explanation. Suspended living room? Dreamyyyyy
Not quite a tree house, but overall chill.
Fresh white flowers, no matter the time of year, make my heart skip a beat.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New home, new room

Hello again

I haven't been here in a while.  And by here, I mean this space where I can write feely, feel openly, and thinking about what is really going on in my life.  The truth is, the wheels are spinning and the days are flying, but I'm not entirely sure I'm making progress in my life.  Does every day need to be about progress? And what does progress really mean?  New friendships? I've developed a couple of those.  New health plan? I've started that as well.  New meaning? I'm not sure.  I have things to look forward to.  Mostly going to Leland, visitng friends and family.  But I dread the day summer official ends and these visits don't occur for another year.  I dread the time spent away from those who make me most happy.  So what does that leave me with? I guess that leaves me with today.  What am I going to do today to make it a day worth living, worth smiling, and worth remmebering?  One day at a time? I think I can do that.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Birthday ideas

My birthday is just around the corner.  I have never been big on birthdays, ever.  It has always, somehow, someway left me heartbroken and disappointed. But last year I took back my birthday and... it was amazing.  So this year I am not so much on a kick to make it the BEST, but definitely to make it special.  So, why not start looking for desserts a month in advance! Option 1. I don't like cake.  I just don't.  I LOVE frosting and I love flowers.  So if I can enjoy those two things, I think everyone else will enjoy the cake enough for me.


Summer is just around the corner. I can't wait for sunny days and summer nights <3

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I have always loved flowers.  My mom is constantly planting and keeping the yard friendly, happy.  Flowers are on the top of my list of indulgences, and I feel no dollar is wasted when spent on flowers.  Every girl deserves to have flowers, even if she buys them for herself:)

I just finished reading "The Language of Flowers."  It was wonderful, though painful at times.  I would recommend it.  A simple part of nature helped a young girl survive in a hard world. 

Here are some of my favorites;
Although I love color, and I love flowers, white flowers are my favorite.  The clean, crisp color really lets their true beauty shine. 

White chrystanemums. LOVE. So full and happy and clean and bright and...wonderful

Although the Cala Lilly is often used in sad times, being laid on graves, their tubular beauty makes them seem shy to me.  You have to peek inside to really see their greatness in its entirety. 

Chryanthemums are a burst of color.  Even white, I feel as though they fill the room.

Close up of my favorite Lilacs

Lilacs. Leland <3

Anything from the mum family pulls at me...

White Roses. My first favorite flower.

Lilacs only bloom between April and June.  They cover the town of Leland during this time.  I love absolutely love their color and smell.  I like to pull off a cone and plop them in water and bring it everywhere with me.

White Roses have a clean, gentle romantic quality about them.