Monday, February 17, 2014

I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.
I've been repeating this to myself. Over and over.  It sounds easy-- it's your life and you have control over it, your happiness, your destiny.  But why do I always feel like I'm waiting for something?  Waiting for the decisions to be made for me? How do I take things into my own hands without throwing away opportunity?

Beach Life.  My company is moving to Florida.  We are currently located in Chicago, so convincing 200 Midwesterners that Florida is calling their name... harder than you think.

 I'm very transient. I'm not from Chicago. I'm not from Florida.  I have lived in more than 5 states in the past two years and there are 2 places I call home.  Florida has never been on my list. But I love my job and when opportunity comes knocking, shouldn't I open the door?  Then again, is this an opportunity to do something else?  How do you know... Redargless, I wouldn't hate living on the beach..
 But I'll miss the need for a cozy fire.  This room, while clean and light, doesn't scream Florida to me.